Thursday, March 23, 2017

Personal Website

         In the first website it talks about a writer and his book and he explains the characters in his book but he's not really explaining what the book is all about.The website is arranged but its not exciting to view it you don't get to see a clear picture of understanding.
         In the second website which really caught my attention talks about a guy named Kris Black,He says he is a interactive designer,web developer,author,illustrator,square space specialist living in Columbia,SC.
         In the third website which talks about natural living which is a little complicated but the web developer speaks about making certain types of food and certain utensils to use.but its not pleasant to see because you don't get full access.
        In the fourth website Brittany Witkin the owner of the website says she is a digital content creator and she's located in San Francisco California,but she hasn't shown what content she has and it lacks a lot of pleasant contents.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Challenge1:The app tells you whether its Halloween or not and still tells you to look at the general information on the internet.
Challenge2:The app addresses someones cellphone ringing in class and also is able to figure out whether the phone is in school and turns the ringer off.
Challenge3:The app figures out what to wear in the morning.
Challenge4:The app helps the user figure out what movie to go to and the output will show different places the user should go to.